Lisa's Upper Moutere Upholstery Studio - A Vineyard Lake Cabin

A wooden studio perfectly perched, looking out to the vines and rolling hills of the beautiful Upper Moutere in Tasman. Lisa built her SheShed Lake Cabin as a studio next to their family home, to run her business Boho Velvet Upholstery, where she hosts regular classes, and works on divine custom furniture pieces.

"The lake cabin is a stunning building and sits perfectly on our property. People stop and tell me how beautiful it is. I'm very very blessed to have such a wonderful working space."

Why did you decide to build your SheShed Lake cabin and what do you use it for?

"Being an Upholstress/artist I wanted a studio. The lake cabin looked beautiful and I thought 29m2 would be just the perfect size for me."

Did you build the cabin by yourself, or have family or a friend help, or hire someone?

"We hired a team to build it. One of the team was a Ukrainian master builder (CraftMak) who knew the process of building one of the cabins. This made life easier."

Did you need to add any heating?

"We added a heat pump for heating and cooling. It doesn’t need to be on long for the cabin to be toasty or cool."

What’s your favourite aspect of the cabin?

"The height of the ceilings and the number of windows for the light."

Why did you choose to buy a SheShed in particular, instead of any other brand of shed?

"Because it was the prettiest and suited our property the best and SheShed are local."

Read the full SheShed Business Spotlight with Lisa McGregor of Boho Velvet Upholstery HERE.

Which SheShed would you build?

We have different shed sizes available from just a 5 square meter garden shed, right up to 29 square meters for a luxury sleepout. Call us today to talk with one of our shed consultants, and we’ll help figure out the best option for you.
Phone: 0800 626 500

Do you have any questions?

We would love to help answer those for you!


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