Just wow. This has got to one of the finest "He" sheds we have seen! Based in New South Wales, Arron had a problem where had so many tools, building gear and gardening equipment, that it was taking over and cluttering his garage. This posed a bit of a predicament as he could no longer use his garage for parking cars. He needed to find a solution. This is where he reached out to SheShed for a resolution and selected a 9 square metre Star Kitset Cabin (3m x 3m). He has fitted his shed out with shelving for his gear, as well as some extra French doors from SheShed so he can transport things through the shed rather than going around. We are very impressed with the sleek black finish - which matches his modern house well!
""Marks Black Barn" was very much the selling point and inspiration for the shed I was looking for. It completely complements the house which is a light grey brick. I adapted the design to allow access through to keep options to move things between the front and rear yards. Family and friends are absolutely impressed with the design and timber look, often complementing the size, appearance and functionality. Frequent comments is that the shed looks modern and too good for a tool shed."
- Arron L.
We are blown away with what Arron has achieved here! Each tool is in its own place, including some fixed on the inner and outer walls with hooks - there is just no clutter anymore. He has even plugged in a full sized fridge - which is great for the beers after a long day of working hard on the tools! We know Arron will enjoy his quality Star cabin for years to come and we cannot wait to see what new projects he gets up to now that he has his very own "He" Shed.
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