Sometimes we need a “go to” place to holiday or relax on a weekend. If we’re fortunate enough to have a family farm, weekender, bach, or a getaway island, building a little cabin as a place to stay, camp (or glamp) may be the answer you’re looking for. At under 10m2 floor area, a cabin can be the perfect size… Just add some camping accessories for power, solar, toilets, etc. to make yourself comfortable. Coming as a flat kitset pack, it’s transportable to any location.
Power: Using solar power is a great idea while camping. Portable solar power systems are inexpensive and a good size to bring along to your destination. Or install solar panels on your shed for something more long-term. The price for this can vary, and a quote would be needed.
Generators can be a short term option as a source of backup power, but are not designed to run continuously. Some models are made to provide power for up to eight hours, some twelve, and some can run for days on end. However, in no way should you keep your generator running for weeks, months, let alone years without rest.
Using devices that run off battery power is another option; smaller electronics can run for months on the same batteries. Plus with newer appliances you can choose ones rated for less energy consumption.
Cooking: Buying a gas cooker can be the best option for frying, boiling, and even making that cup of coffee. These come in different sizes and you can choose to have more than one element. You can buy gas bottles in small or medium sizing depending on how often you need them, and the space available. Refilling and swapping gas bottles is a breeze at your local petrol station.
Heating: Gas heating is an option to keep your shed warm, but can also be dangerous (i.e. forgetting it’s on, leaving it on overnight, placing it too close to walls and objects, etc.) so use this option with precaution. Insulation, carpet, curtains, and double glazing the windows will help keep the warmth in also.
Bathroom & shower: A solar shower is a portable way to heat water so that you can take a warm shower. Usually, a solar shower will consist of an insulated bag for holding and heating water, a hose for the water to drain from and a showerhead. You can also find shower tents.
A portable toilet flushes and carries waste away like a conventional toilet. The waste is not transported to a sewer however, but instead is carried to a holding tank underneath, where chemicals break down and kill germs.
All of these items are easy to locate at any hardware/outdoor living store.
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