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Introducing Our New Tussock Kitset Cabin Range

holiday home cabin with a bedroom near a national park nz

A new modern addition to the SheShed Kitset Cabin range has just launched!

Introducing our 3.5m x 2.5m Tussock Cabin3m x 4m Coastal Cabin and the 5.5m x 3.5m Alpine Cabin.

Inspired by windswept tussocks along the coastlines, palm-lined ocean vistas and the dreamscape mountain horizons. Your SheShed cabin should be a beautiful destination to escape to and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Whether you’re looking for a place to unwind or work from home, our 3 new Kitset Cabin styles in the Tussock range, with a narrower depth and rectangular footprint provides plenty of options to suit your needs.

Some of the other great features that are specific to this range of cabins:

  • 45mm thick solid-timber walls for better natural insulation.
  • Untreated timber for a more natural feeling.
  • Corrugated steel roofing is included, which is great for collecting rainwater, and better than asphalt shingles for high fire risk areas.
  • Unlike our more traditional kitset styles, roof insulation is included for free with each of these three kitsets.

Another great feature of our Tussock, Coastal and Alpine Cabins are the windows; not only are they all double-glazed to modern high standards, these new taller windows feature the new European-style tilt and turn opening system to allow for natural airflow circulation while keeping the weather out. (The window can be either tilted inwards at the top for air circulation, or opened fully like a traditional casement window!)

Our first shipment (which has nearly sold out!) is available for pre-order now, and is due into New Zealand next month.  

Click here to head to our shop page to read more about each of kitset log cabin styles and pricing, or give us a call to pre-order yours today and create your own beautiful backyard escape! 

Freephone NZ: 0800 626 500

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SheShed Australia & New Zealand. All rights reserved.